The Great American Eclipse
The Great American Eclipse
Baily's beads
Baily's beads
Diamond Ring
Diamond Ring
Sunspots and Earthshine
Sunspots and Earthshine
The Great American Eclipse
The Great American EclipseThis is a composite image showing the transition of the eclipse both to and from totality. The mountains in the foreground are The Grand Tetons, a place where the eclipse was visible, making this a accurate representation of what the eclipse was like for viewers in the Tetons.The solar eclipse of August 21, 2017, dubbed "The Great American Eclipse" by the media, was a total solar eclipse visible within a band that spanned the entire contiguous United States, passing from the Pacific to the Atlantic coasts.It was the most publicized and commonly viewed eclipse in world history.
Baily's beads
Baily's beadsYou are looking at a split second phenomena called Baily’s beads that occurs during a total solar eclipse.The Baily's beads effect is a feature of total and annular solar eclipses. As the Moon covers the Sun during a solar eclipse, the rugged topography of the lunar limb allows beads of sunlight to shine through in some places while not in others. This only occurs at the split second before totality and the split second after totality.In other words, you’re looking at sunlight shining through the craters and valleys on the moon!
Diamond Ring
Diamond Ring
Totality This is the Great American Eclipse in totality.
Sunspots and Earthshine
Sunspots and EarthshineThis image shows the moon moving its way across the sun. You can see earth shine which is a dull glow which lights up the unlit part of the Moon because the Sun's light reflects off the Earth's surface and back onto the Moon. You can also see several sunspots on the suns surface.
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